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Storage 101: Basic Guidelines for Commodity Classification and Protection
Forest Park and online
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About this event
NFPA 13 (2022) 6 ceu
At the completion of this presentation, you should be able to:
1. Identify the storage heights permitted for low-piled and high-piled storage of
Class I-IV commodities and Group A plastics
2. Classify commodities based on method of storage and unit load composition
3. Determine the amount of expanded and nonexpanded Group A plastics
permitted in each commodity classification
4. Identify storage arrangements and the requirements for racks, shelving, flue
spaces, aisles, and clearance
1. Identify the discharge requirements for CMDA, CMSA, and ESFR sprinklers
2. Identify alternate design schemes outside of NFPA 13
3. Estimate the total sprinkler demand for each sprinkler type
4. Identify specific calculation requirements for storage sprinklers
5. Apply new discharge requirements for supplemental sprinklers
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